24 Jul LIFE+ SAVING-E Media coverage
The latest appearances of the LIFE + SAVING-E project in the media are detailed below.
At the beginning of this year, a review on the LIFE + SAVING-E project, prepared by Eduardo Morales (Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo), member of the project consortium, was published in aguasresiduales.info and tecnoaqua.es, both digital portals related with the water field. The articles published have been “DAM advances in the European project that allows the WWTP to self-supply energy”
On the TV program “A punto con la 2” a short review was given about LIFE+ SAVING-E project by Manuel Matellan, president of the Spanish’ inventors club.
On 25th February, the program “Càpsules de Ciència” was broadcast, a space that includes a series of articles dedicated to biomedicine and biotechnology carried out by Catalan scientists. The series “Càpsules de ciència“, was broadcast on channel 33 and transfer knowledge about the work of the Catalan scientific elite and its links with the city in which it lives. In this edition, the project “LIFE + SAVING-E” was presented by Julián Carrera, project coordinator and professor of the Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental (UAB).
On the other hand, from the Departament d’Afers i relacions Institucionals i Exteriors i Transparència de la Generalitat de Catalunya, the European research projects are available through its website. The LIFE + SAVING-E project has joined this proposal since last January.