SAVING-E Website | Search Results
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On 13 January, Francesc Gambús, member of the European Parliament and a member of the Environment Committee, visited Parc de Recerca UAB, motivated by the project LIFE SAVING-E. Gambús has been received by Javier Lafuente, director of the Parc and Vice-Rector of Strategic Projects and Innovation of the UAB, and Iván Martínez, Manager of Research at the UAB.

Attending the inauguration of the pilot plant, which took place last Thursday 07/07/0216 at the Rubí-Valldoreix wastewater treatment plant, were Margarita Arboix , UAB Rector; Jordi Agustí i Vergés, General Director of ACA; Rafael Güeto, Local Economic Development Area Councillor, Rubí City Council; Moisés Rodríguez, Environmental Councillor, Rubí City Coucil; Francisco Javier Lafuente, Vice Rector for Innovation and Strategic Projects; and Jose Antonio Andreu, Elvira César and Laura Pastor, Managers of Operation and Innovation at DAM.

UAB researchers and technicians of the DAM company will soon put into operation an experimental plant at the Rubí-Valldoreix wastewater treatment plant, with the objective of making the treatment process generate more energy than it consumes. Coordinated by professors Julián Carrera, Maria Eugenia Suárez-Ojeda, Julio Pérez and Francisco Javier Lafuente from the GENOCOV group of the UAB Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, and with the participation of Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo (DAM), the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the European Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WssTP), the SAVING-E project from the EU LIFE Programme aims to verify whether the wastewater treatment process can generate energy instead of consume it. The system was already tested in laboratory, at the UAB School of Engineering facilities, and now it will be tested at pilot-scale on site at the Rubí-Valldoreix wastewater treatment plant. The total budget for the project LIFE14 ENV/ES/000633 – LIFE SAVING-E “Two-Stage Autotrophic N-remoVal for mainstream sewaGe trEatment” is €1,169,068, of which 58% is funded by the European Union.

The SAVING-E pilot plant has been built and installed in the Rubí WWTP. It is expected to do the hydraulic tests in the month of June, while the official opening and the start-up are expected for the month of July. The pilot plant (see diagram) Is comprised of a high-rate activated sludge reactor (A stage) in which most of the entering organic matter is used for biogas production purposes. Then, SAVING-E technology is able to biologically remove nitrogen in the mainstream without the need of organic matter (the B-stage). SAVING-E uses the autotrophic biological nitrogen removal (BNR) for this aim with a novel two-step approach. This novel approach consists of two reactors, a first aerobic partial nitritation reactor

On April 26, 2016 the first meeting of project monitoring LIFE SAVING- E took place. The assistants to the event were Julian Carrera (GENOCOV -UAB), Coordinator of the LIFE + project SAVING- E, Carlos Ramos (GENOCOV-UAB), Raquel Montes (GENOCOV -UAB), Silvia Doñate (DAM), Eduardo Morales (DAM), Jordi Robusté (ACA), Marc Terés (ACA) , Enric Ibañez (ACA), Maria Mirachtsi ( WssTP) and Mariona Salvatella