SAVING-E Website | Winter School of LIFE+ SAVING-E Project
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Winter School of LIFE+ SAVING-E Project

Winter School of LIFE+ SAVING-E Project

Assistants to the Winter School during the practical sessions

Assistants to the Winter School during the practical sessions

Last 24-25th of January 2018 took place the Winter School of SAVING-E entitled “Self-sufficient urban WWTP: Implementation of the autotrophic nitrogen removal in the main water-line” at Escola d’Enginyeria of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

More than 30 people assisted to the 2-day course. Those stakeholders came from:

  • Water industry: AQUALIA (Barcelona), ACCIONA (Barcelona), AERIS (Barcelona), Catalan Water Partnership (Girona) and DAM (Valencia and Barcelona).
  • Water agencies: Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (Catalunya), EMASESA (Sevilla) and ALJARAFESA (Sevilla).
  • Technological centers and universities: Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de València, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (IRTA-UPC, Barcelona)

During the course it was possible to deepen LIFE+ SAVING-E technology, both in the lectures gave by the project-leaders and in the practical sessions, as well as in the visit to the facilities of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant of Rubí where the SAVING-E Pilot Plant is located.

The sessions were recorded and it will soon be available on project webpage.