SAVING-E Website | Search Results
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Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), headed by Julián Carrera, Maria Eugenia Suárez-Ojeda and Julio Pérez, will coordinate a project within the European Union’s LIFE programme to explore the feasibility of treating urban wastewater and generating energy at the same time. This is the first project in this programme to be coordinated by the UAB.

The project LIFE14 ENV/ES/000633 – LIFE SAVING-E “Two-Stage Autotrophic N-removal for mainstream sewage treatment” held its kick-off meeting on 5th November 2015 at the UAB premises in Barcelona. Funded by the EU LIFE programme, SAVING-E project will explore the possibility of generating energy from the treatment of urban wastewater. The aim of this project, coordinated by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, is to radically re-design urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) so that they can produce energy with no loss – or even with a gain – in performance.