SAVING-E Website | Gallery
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Last 24-25th of January 2018 took place the Winter School of SAVING-E entitled “Self-sufficient urban WWTP: Implementation of the autotrophic nitrogen removal in the main water-line” at Escola d’Enginyeria of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain....

Attending the inauguration of the pilot plant, which took place last Thursday 07/07/0216 at the Rubí-Valldoreix wastewater treatment plant, were Margarita Arboix , UAB Rector; Jordi Agustí i Vergés, General Director of ACA; Rafael Güeto, Local Economic Development Area Councillor, Rubí City Council; Moisés Rodríguez,...

The SAVING-E pilot plant has been built and installed in the Rubí WWTP. It is expected to do the hydraulic tests in the month of June, while the official opening and the start-up are expected for the month of July. The pilot plant (see diagram) Is...

A gallery post of Saving-E...